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  1. HTML Quick

  2. This site is great for basic HTML coding. It is their philosophy to write HTML code manually and clean, and to respect the standards as they are designed to make web pages reach everyone. I liked this site, it was easy to understand.

  3. HTML Goodies

  4. The site specifies tutorials that will help to design sites with basic HTML coding. I used this site a lot during the summer session for Basic Web Development. It was very helpful.

  5. Easy Web Tutorials

  6. This web site has links to every step in building a web site. This was a good reference to me when I forgot coding for a certain element on a page I was working on.

  7. W3C Home Page

  8. W3 sets the standard for web page development so this is the best source you can find to follow the standards. This site is sometimes over my head but I found it to be a good source to to refer to. It is probably best suited for an advanced web page developer.

  9. W3 Schools

  10. This web site provides many tutorials and even quizzes. I remember this being the first site where I first saw anything about HTML. It was very helpful and easy to follow for an absolute HTML rookie.

  11. Dreamweaver CS3 Training

  12. is a resource for Dreamweaver. It covers everything from the simplest basics of using Dreamweaver CS3 to applying it to develop a fully interactive, accessible site. It shows how to create, edit, manage, design, and publish a professional web site with Dreamweaver CS3 and complementary applications.

  13. Dreamweaver Tutorials

    This site targets total beginners that need to be taught the basics of not only Dreamweaver CS3, but basic web design concepts as well. It provides tutorials where by the end of the course, you will feel comfortable using Dreamweaver CS3 to build modern web sites. This site is great! I used it when I was stuck on a certain elements of building a page.

  14. HTML Code Tutorials

  15. This page provides tutorials for CSS, Document Tags, Embedded Objects, Fonts, Forms, Frames, Images, etc. It is a great source for the basics. I found it to be helpful when I need to reference something that I was confused with.

  16. HTML Tutorials

  17. This site has 21 free tutorials and provides a lot of information for the new HTML coder. I liked this web site. It was made by an individual so I felt that it made more sense than some sites that talk over my head.

  18. Entheos Free Resources
  19. This site has everything you need to know to build a web site step by step from start to finish with the Dreamweaver tutorials. It has links to tutorials for everything from jump links to web photo albums. I really liked this site...I even downloaded a template!

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