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Multimedia is the combined use of several media, as sound and full-motion video in computer applications. Multimedia technology is ever changing, just like computers, and it is important to stay on the cutting edge of technology. By challenging yourself to learn more about the different types of media, you will be a leader in web site design.

The various means of connecting to the Internet include 56K Dial-Up, 1828K ISDN, Cable, DSL, Satellite, and Wi-Fi. There are other means of connecting to the Internet such as T1 but the two chapters we studied did not get into them.

Media that is included on web pages include: MIDI Files, Streaming Video, Streaming Audio, animation, Flash Intros, Loaders, Flash Interface, Flash Movies, Flash Games, Java games, and 3D games. Using these types of media must be carefully planned due to file sizes, fonts, etc.

The key to utilizing interaction on a web site is to stay on top of technological advancements and keep an open mind. It is important to find ways to give Web users what they in want in ways they never expected.

In Review - Page 166 - Exploring Web Design

  1. What is meant by the term multimedia?

  2. Multimedia refers to the way medium (information) is delivered. Media is plural for medium. Information that is transmitted can be watching a movie, hearing it and read it if captioning is turned on. It is the combination of text, video, sound, graphics, and animation.

  3. How does a broadband Internet connection differ from a dial-up connection?

  4. Broadband is a medium which allows multiple data signals to be transmitted at one, increasing the speed of transmission. Dial-up connection is the slowest connection possible on the Internet - 56 kilobits per second, which is really no faster that 53 kilobits, according to the Federal Communications Commission.

  5. What are four types of broadband connection, and how do they compare?

    1. Cable is an "always on" connection, which means that you don't have to dial-up to get connected. Cable is the fastest means of connectivity to the Internet but you share it with other cable users.
    2. DSL (Digital Subscriber Line is also an "always on" connection, which means that you don't have to dial-up to get connected. It is a dedicated line between you and the phone company. It is not as fast as a cable modem but you are the only one dedicated to it.
    3. Satellite connection can be one-way or two-way and used most by those in rural communities. It is not as fast as Cable or DSL and can be interrupted by inclement weather since it is a signal received from a satellite.
    4. Wireless Internet, or Wi-Fi, is accessible with a 11 Mbps transfer rate, which is 200 times faster than dial-up. Wi-Fi hotspots are set up in locations around the world, including many McDonalds and locations in sometimes suburb of a city.

  6. What is a MIDI file, and why shouldn't you use it on the Web?

  7. A MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) file replicates the sound of a synthesizer keyboard set to a basic "electronic piano" setting. It is no longer recommended because they are a poor representation of a song. Actual music can be downloaded and transmitted in real time.

  8. What is streaming media?

  9. Streaming media is a compressed file that loads just as your computer is ready to play it. The audio or video file is broken down into small chunks and then downloaded.

  10. What is Macromedia Flash?

  11. Macromedia Flash is an application that creates web site interactivity. Flash was designed to allow users with low as well as high bandwidth.

  12. What is the Flash Player?

  13. Flash Player allows a user to view content created in Flash that can be downloaded for free from the Macromedia web site.

  14. What does it mean for a web site to be interactive?

  15. Interactivity is the interaction between you and a web site. You click a link and the web site responds, you are simple interacting and the web site is reacting. This could be as simple as just using the sense of sight by watching a animated Flash Slide show, or more complex by using options in a search query, at lets say, a travel web site.

  16. What good is a Flash intro, and why should you enable users to skip it?

  17. Flash intros are intended to catch the attention of the user and draw them to your web site. They should be quick, catchy and interesting. Not all users wish to watch a Flash intro so you should provide the option of skipping it. They may be entering you site for quick information or the 15th time and may not want to watch the intro every time.

  18. What is a loader, and why should you use one?

  19. Loaders hold a user's interest while a web site. downloads. Loaders can be a bar on the screen displaying seconds remaining for the site to completely download or a slide show of images or simple games to play while they wait.

  20. As a web designer, why is it important to learn programming?

  21. Programming will enhance your skill set and make you more marketable.

  22. What are two tools you can use to create online games?

  23. ActionScript and Java are programming tools used to develop online games.

  24. What does 3D have to do with the Web?

  25. 3D animation allows a designer to achieve results that aren't possible with traditional Flash animation alone. Big-budge Films are now using 3D graphics to create photorealistic scenery, objects, and even characters that are almost true to life.

  26. What can you imagine for the future of web design?

  27. I think with the advancement of technology, web design is going to be a very rewarding field to work in. The possibilities will be endless because you enter into many areas of web design that include design, marketing, graphics, 3D animation, etc.

Three reference links for multimedia:

  1. W3 Schools Multimedia Tutorials
  2. Adding Multimedia in Dreamweaver
  3. Macromedia - Inserting Media in Dreamweaver

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