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Most web sites designed today include a section, a page or even pages where users can send information back to a site's server. This information is called a Form and it is built within a table inside a <form> tag. If you don't place the information in a <form> tag, the form will not work properly. The information in a Form allows a user to ask questions or receive answers. They can be used for doing your online taxes, to input information for submission of quotes for health, life or auto insurance. They can also be used for online voting for your favorite celebrity on Dancing with the Stars, guest books on perhaps, a funeral web site, or interactive poetry.

The buttons used most in a Form are radio buttons, checkboxes, lists/menus, and buttons. They are helpful for Webmasters to gather information from the users and are becoming very popular on today's web sites.

Forms are interactive elements that are driven by scripts. When users click the Submit button, the information contained in the Form is processed on the Webmaster end. Scripting beyond XHTML has to be used in the form of a server-side code language such as CGI (Common Gateway Interface), PHP, ASP (Active Server Pages), .NET, or Cold Fusion. Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or Web administrator could provide the server-side code. It is up to the web site developer to coordinate obtaining the script and implementing the process of the web site forms.

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