Web Site Layout

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My definition of the 3 layout tools:

  1. Tracing Image: Basically a tracing image is a background that you follow for layout of a web design. It essentially looks like tracing paper and you lay your images (.gif, jpeg, or PNG files) over the top to guide you in designing navigation area, header, and logo areas. Tracing images are in the background of your web page design, however; they do not show in your browser. This tool's useful in setting up a page and having your web site viewable in a browser with the correct dimensions so there won't be so much scrolling to the left and right.
  2. AP Div: An AP Div is an Absolutely Positioned <div> tag. They can be placed on any portion of your web page and will not affect other elements or their position on the page. You simply draw your AP Div tags and then insert your image into it. This allows you to place images anywhere on a page instead of just left, center or right aligned on a page, allowing you more flexibility in design. You can use the ruler bars to match the alignment of other elements on a page by dragging them to the AP Div outlines. This is helpful to keep images aligned.
  3. Table: Tables hold images and text in place. Tables are not flexible once they are placed but you are able to manipulate them by using table-drawing tools and you can convert AP Divs to tables. Tables give you the flexibility of creating your page by drawing a table layout with a series of layout cells. These are helpful in specifying placement of particular elements (logos, navigation, text, and images).

In Review, Chapter 2, Page 49

1. What are client success criteria and why does it matter? Client success criteria encompass all of the information that is essential in building your client's web site and creating a successful web site. It is important to design the web site based on the client's needs, what brought them to your web site and the information on there that will keep them there. Another important part of design is learning the demographics, statistics that characterize your audience and the technology they are using. Are you building a site for for a high tech business? Then you will need to build the web site based on advanced technology and fast loading information. If you are building a basic site, such as a bank, you may need to build a simple site with easy navigation and a simple site map. Once you know the audience's needs and have came up with the essential tools to build a site that will provide proper navigation, a good design layout for the company, and a site map to assist the client's audience, you are on your path to creativity!

3. In your own words, explain why each of the design elements is important:

Emphasis: Emphasis is given to the most prominent information on a web page. The most important information is to stand out on a web page. The least important information should be regular text with no added emphasis. Your client should provide you with information detailing the most important information for their clients. Emphasizing information could be done with font size, bold enhancements, italics, colors, borders, and white space. This list is not all inclusive but gives you an idea of ways to emphasize important information.

Contrast: Contrast is useful in creating interest in a web site. Areas of a web site should contrast from other elements by varying the logo, text, navigation, web colors and images.

Sense of balance: Symmetry on a web site is very important. You don't want all of your information on a web site to be too heavy on one side or the other or from top to bottom. Visual weight should be balanced through lines, images, color, shapes and text on the site. An off-balance web site can drive a potential client away!

Arrangement: A well-arranged web site is appealing to the eye. Remember to line up your elements on a web site by using a grid or ruler or your web site will look poorly designed or messy.

Repetition of elements: Repetition is important when placing your colors, logos and navigation. If these elements are not in sync, a user may think they have left the web site they were on and gone to another. This means you just lost your user. Place all of your elements on a web site in the same position on every page.

Visual direction: Create your web sites with a flow of the information in mind. Visual direction is important in navigation. A good flowing web site will lead your eyes in an S or U shape. Keep in mind what you want the user to see the most important information first followed by the general information they are looking for on your site.

4. Why should you use a logo on every page of a web site? If a logo is not used on every page on a web site that you create, a use may not know where they are. They may think they have left your web site.

Web Site Critique

Black Hawk College


I always enjoy going to the Black Hawk College web site mainly because I like the colors...tropical and soothing to me! The navigation is easy to follow and the site map is superb! The site is not confusing at all to me and I really like the slide show on the Home page. This is an example of Full Design, No Room for White Space

Black Hawk College Print Screen

Diva Girl Parties and Stuff


I like to find creative ways to host a party and fun ideas while hosting them and this site is so fun. It is packed with great ideas and the navigation is great. I can always find my way around since the navigation is clear and concise. The colors are girly girl colors and make the site fun. Whoever created this site did a great job to keep a lady's attention. I have it book marked! This is an example of Side Navigation layout.

Diva Girl Print Screen

Popmatik :: Web Design


I found this site a while back when I was surfing the web for layout ideas! I think it is fun and inventive! I like the idea of the water bottle and once again, I LOVE THOSE COLORS! I love the color scheme he has. It reminds me of my Smore Camping web site color scheme. This site is an ad for this web designer and he is fantastic. I think he is marketing himself very well with the water bottle and I love the navigation buttons and where he has placed them. This, I believe, is an example of No Interface, Just White Space.

Popmatik Screen Print

Star Courier


This is the web site that I go to for my hometown information. I find it to be very distracting and unappealing. There is way too much advertising going on (header, right and left). The navigation is small and needs more emphasis. I don't think that older adults would find it easy to navigate. The Job navigation button is linked to Yahoo HotJobs and I would rather see local advertisement instead of the link to Yahoo. I am going to make up my own layout for this since it is not left or right justified, but center justified surrounded by too much advertising.

Star Courier Screen Print



Yes, I may be the only person in the world who does not like the Google web site. I think it is lazy and too plain. I am used to MSN where I can find just about anything on the Home page. I don't know why anyone would want to "Google" anything and I can't believe the people who invented this browser are millionaires. Actually, it makes me mad that I didn't know enough already to do it myself. Honestly, I don't like it. I do, however, love my gmail account that is Google based. I would say this layout is No Interface, Just White Space.

Google Print Screen
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